
Chasdei Naomi is thrilled to work with many amutot (non-profit organizations) who do wonderful things.

Some focus on sick children, some on medical needs, some on hot food, etc. Chasdei Naomi does everything- sick children, widows, orphans, events of families that can not afford them, people who need clothing, tefillin etc.

People know if they want to give, they come to us. And people know if they need help- we are there.

Chasdei Naomi IS family.

Online Donations:

Donate by credit card:

Call our national donation hub center:

Phone: 972-3-677-7777,
Fax: 972-3-6777771

Call our national donation hub center:

10 Bar Yochai St.,
51553 Bnei Brak, Israel

By standing order through your bank (Only in Israel):

By bank transfer:

The First International Bank of Israel LTD, Branch:
Pagi Bnei-Brak n° 188 Branch address:
42, Chazon Ish St., Bnei-Brak 51511

Swift code:

Firbilit xxx Account n° 409349410
Or through any Israeli Post-Office Branch to Account n° 8380161

By PayPal

Donations within the U.K

Donations within the U.S.A:

Chasday Naomi USA Friends is a registered 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization.
View our 501(c)(3) tax exemption status here.
American Tax ID Number: 47-2459267

By check:

Please make the check 

Payable to:
Chasday Naomi USA Friends

and forward to:
Chasday Naomi USA Friends
C/O Samuel Behar CPA
10101 Fondren Rd,  #400
Houston TX  77096

The donations are recognized as tax deductible expenses as per paragraph 46 of the Regulations

To make a secure, tax-deductible donation to Chasdei Naomi by credit card, select the flag of your preferred currency.

Ensuring a Happy New Year for Holocaust Survivors and Needy Senior Citizens
campaign for the residents of the south and surrounding Gaza
A donation to the IDF soldiers
Sandwich for every child” so no child will be left hungry
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