Volunteer in Bat Yam

Want to Volunteer in Bat Yam? Look no further!

Join our 20,000 Volunteers, as we provide support for Holocaust Survivors, Soldiers, and Families in need!


(972) - 3 -677-7777


 (972) - 3 -677-7771



Nafha 2, bat yam

Want to Volunteer? Send us a message!

Leave us your personal information, and let us know where you would like to volunteer!

Not what you were looking for?

Check out other locations where you can volunteer with Chasdei Naomi!

Tishrei 54, Tel Aviv-Yafo

Bar Yochai 10, Bnei Brak

Beit Hadfus 31, Givat Shmuel

For more Volunteering options in central Israel

Dairy Shavuot Care Packages for Holocaust Survivors
campaign for the residents of the south and surrounding Gaza
A donation to the IDF soldiers
Sandwich for every child” so no child will be left hungry
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