I would like to bless the charity project, Hasdei Naomi, headed by Rabbi Yosef ohen. One of Rabi Yosef Cohen’s features is that he is an emotional man.
Rabbi Yona Metsger Shlita Chief Rabbi of Israel And the charity for him
is an integral part of his personality Therefore, he changed the phrase “charity”
not only like the Rishon LeZion said, pleasant charity, if you change around the letters of the name Naomi it spells pleasant, but he made the charity
to a factory of charity. I am always filled with new admiration when I pass sometimes in Bnei Brak, and I see the huge trucks that go out from there, the vegetables, the chickens, and everything that comes out of there.
It’s simply a factory of charity. And every time I come to “Chen halls”,
Rabbi Yona Metsger Shlita Chief Rabbi of Israel that now have new halls…
a new floor? -five halls. Five halls. -Full capacity everyday.
It’s unbelievable. You walk around there and you see not only charity,
but joy in the hearts of so many Jews.
It’s an amazing enterprise and it’s a real Mitzvah to contribute
and to strengthen them.
We call everyone that can afford to, to come and donate and to help this wonderful organization, so that we will have as few poor as possible in Israel and that they will feel as free people on this holiday. Bless you for all your doings.

Ensuring a Happy New Year for Holocaust Survivors and Needy Senior Citizens
campaign for the residents of the south and surrounding Gaza
A donation to the IDF soldiers
Sandwich for every child” so no child will be left hungry
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