Widows & Orphans Fund

Everyone who comes to us is in emotional pain. They are in need, they are in crisis and we are their last hope.  We respond to each call in three ways.  The first step is to listen. Usually those who call us have exhausted every avenue, we are their last hope.  When we listen to them, when we hear their pain and needs, this is the first way we give. We let them know they are not alone with their burdens.

Immediately upon hearing their needs, we give them what we can, an initial assistance. This is usually food, school supplies and/or clothing.  Once they are calmed by knowing that they have assistance, we then ask them to fill out forms and deal with the ‘red tape’ that is necessary for proper and complete assistance.

In all that we do, in all of our various programs, nothing is as precious and close to Chasdei Naomi’s collective heart than widows and orphans, those who have suffered a devastating loss and who now find themselves in financial straits.  We see each widow and orphan as ours to support and protect- from infant formula to her wedding day.

Each single parent receives 200NIS a month per child for expenses not covered by our food and other programs, up to 18 years of age. Often we attend their life cycle events as they are now our family and more often than not, we assist in the expenses as well. Currently, we support 360 orphans under the age of 18.


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Volunteer in Israel

Ensuring a Happy New Year for Holocaust Survivors and Needy Senior Citizens
campaign for the residents of the south and surrounding Gaza
A donation to the IDF soldiers
Sandwich for every child” so no child will be left hungry
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