Vladimir Kanterevich lives in a tiny, neglected and cold room, with a meager pension that isn’t enough for living

Vladimir Kanterevich joins the series of articles “In Their Eyes: A Special Project for International Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

In a special interview, he said – “What hurts me the most is that at my age I should be assisting my daughter, instead of being assisted by her.”

Vladimir Kanterevich

Holocaust survivor 84-year-old Vladimir Kantrovich worked all his life. Instead of resting and helping the children, he lives in a tiny, neglected and cold room – and is forced to ask his daughter for financial help.

“My pension is NIS 1,700, from Social Security I get NIS 2,000 and from Russia I get a symbolic pension of NIS 200. This is not an amount you can finish the month with. With this money I have to pay all the bills and also buy medicine and food. Sometimes I do not turn on heating. In the winter because I’m afraid there’s no where to pay.This is not a normal situation.

“All my life I worked, of which 20 years in the country. I served in the army and for years I continued to do reservists. I donated to the state, and today I have no assistance from the government. Why at such an age should I be in a war for survival?”

Donate today to Vladimir Kanterevich and other Holocaust survivors on the Chasdei Naomi website,
By Phone: +972-3-6777777 or on the fundraising site 👇🏼 (please indicate for whom the donation is intended)

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