Holocaust Survivors in Israel Volunteered to assemble winter care packages for IDF Soldiers

Holocaust Survivors Volunteering for IDF Soldiers

“That we can contribute to the war effort at 90+ years old… most of us are grandparents to soldiers…”

Holocaust Survivors Volunteering as well as displaced families who’ve lost everything on October 7, all to keep our IDF soldiers warm. In a heartwarming display of intergenerational solidarity and compassion, Chasdei Naomi, the esteemed non-profit charity organization, recently spearheaded a special initiative that brought together Holocaust survivors and IDF soldiers in a shared mission of giving back to their community.

Chasdei Naomi Unites Generations in Act of Compassion

The initiative took place at the Protea Village Retirement Community, where Chasdei Naomi orchestrated a collaborative effort aimed at providing winter essentials to IDF Soldiers. What made this event truly unique was the opportunity for the survivors themselves to package these essentials, which would later be distributed to the  IDF soldiers.


For the Holocaust survivors, this initiative was more than just a charitable act; it was a profound experience that imbued them with a renewed sense of purpose and belonging. Many expressed gratitude for the chance to contribute, emphasizing how the opportunity to help others brought them immense joy and fulfillment.


“It’s truly a blessing to be able to give back,” remarked one of the Holocaust survivors involved in the packaging process. “After everything we’ve been through, being able to help others in need gives us a sense of purpose and meaning.”

The sentiment was echoed by others

With many participants expressing appreciation for Chasdei Naomi’s efforts in facilitating such meaningful opportunities for giving back to the community.

But the impact of this initiative didn’t end there. Following the packaging process, Chasdei Naomi ensured that the winter care packages made their way to IDF soldiers, who were deeply touched by the gesture of solidarity from the Holocaust survivors.

For the soldiers, receiving these care packages served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by previous generations and the unwavering support of their community. It was a powerful symbol of unity and shared humanity that transcended generations and backgrounds.

As the packages were distributed, smiles lit up the faces of both the survivors and the soldiers, bridging the gap between generations and fostering a sense of connection and camaraderie that was truly inspiring to witness.

Chasdei Naomi, through this initiative, has once again demonstrated its commitment to serving those in need and fostering a spirit of compassion and unity within the community. By bringing together Holocaust survivors and IDF soldiers in a joint act of giving, they have not only provided practical support but also enriched the lives of all those involved, leaving a lasting impact that extends far beyond the confines of a single event.

As we reflect on this remarkable initiative, let us be reminded of the power of compassion and the profound difference we can make when we come together as a community, united in our commitment to helping others and spreading kindness wherever we go.

Show your love to lonely IDF soldiers with a care package and ₪300 in gift cards  by clicking HERE!

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