Former president Shimon Peres Congratulates Chasdei Naomi for on Thirty Years of Activity


Dear volunteers,


 Please accept my sincere congratulations on 30 years of Chasdei Naomi activity.

 For three decades your admirable organization has been a ray of hope for tens of thousands of needy families in all parts of the country; moreover, your good works are done on a volunteer basis and in a warm and loving spirit.

Your activity and idealism are the very embodiment of all that is worthy and morally commendable in Israeli society. You elevate the entire nation through your efforts, because there is no human value more noble than that of giving to others, particularly when it is done out of sensitivity and loyalty, on a long-term basis and unmotivated by the desire for recognition or reward. Your activity is rooted in a sense of mission whose incandescent purity itself fulfills the precept “All of Israel are responsible for one another.”

The story of Israel is not one of physical or demographic size, but of moral greatness; it is the story of the pioneering and humane volunteer – it is your story and we are proud of you.

As President of Israel, and in the name of Israel’s citizens, I extend my warmest wishes for many more years of giving.

Warmest commendations,

Shimon Peres


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