Holocaust Survivors Cooking for Soldiers

This week Chasdei Naomi helped Holocaust survivors cook a warm meal for IDF Soldiers

Chasdei Naomi is a non profit organization that was established in Israel over 40 years ago, and has been distributing care packages, food, and much much more. Holocaust survivors, families in need, and IDF soldiers have received support from Chasdei Naomi throughout those 40 plus years, and today the organization connects Israels citizens with generous donors around the world. 

In this time of conflict, the nation of Israel is coming together, more than ever.

Holocaust survivors, those whove experienced the darkest time in jewish history, donating their time, energy, and food, to support idf soldiers.

We see Holocaust survivors and other volunteers assembling care packages for soldiers, cooking a warm meal, and setting the table. 

From the Nursing Home to the Army Base

We loaded up all the care packages and warm food, and rushed it over to the hungry soldiers waiting for Chasdei Naomi’s arrival. The Solders were deslighted to see us, and asked us if theres anything we needed help with. We set everything up for them, and served the hot soup, chicken, rice, salads, and more, until the soldiers couldn’t eat another bite and had leftovers. I just finished a 6 hour patrol, and my head is a bit foggy right now,” says reserve soldier Guy, who left his family at home to carry out his duties for our country. “You guys really give us the energy we need to keep going! The vibes you brought with you are amazing, thank you so much for eveything.” As the brave soldier enjoyed a post meal cigarette, we discussed the importance of saying unified throughout the conflict. On Chasdei Naomi’s way out, one of the soldiers stopped our car, to thank us. He says the “togetherness we feel, is really special, thank you for giving us strength.” 

Today we are united under the idea of preparing a feast fit for a platoon of our finest soldiers, in hopes to help protect israel, and warm them up inside.
Were lucky to be part of such a heartwarming event.


If you’d like to donate to our cause click here

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