The return to school – the distress of many parents!

The school year ended literally by a few days and in the meantime, no one thinks about going back to school, Really?
At the Chasdei Naomi association, we are already looking forward to the next school year in order to give the maximum assistance to the families,
who will need it at the moment of truth.


Back to school – preliminary information
A recent article published in The Marker May 2022 shows that in Israel about a third of students live in poverty.
Moreover, many families are in a poor financial situation and have to make many concessions.
Among the things they have to give up is new school supplies.

The price of school equipment ranges in a relatively wide range but despite this, the purchase of equipment for students is a large financial expense for many families.
Moreover, an average school kit per student costs about NIS 400.
Only a good quality orthopedic bag can reach 250 NIS. Pencils notebooks, folders pens, etc should be purchased in bulk and even several times throughout the year.
In addition, the cost of living has only increased in recent years, and the quantities that need to be purchased, the quality of the products,
and of course, there is also the issue of social pressure that makes the back-to-school shopping basket very expensive.

The equipment market today is wide and offers a huge variety of possibilities for students.
They are excited to choose from the great variety of equipment for next year but unfortunately, there are many students who do not
know that feeling. Moreover, Parents with high financial ability usually give their children a free hand in choosing the color, shape, and color of equipment
which are at the discretion of the boy or the girl.
Furthermore, some parents prefer to limit and give several options, and there are parents who simply cannot buy school supplies for their children.

How did everything begin?



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